Monday, 27 April 2015

Sebastian Michaelis Phone Cases (DCS)

Today I went to pick up a package from my mom's place, and it turned out it was my lovely custom made kuroshitsuji cases from DreamyCraftShop!
I literally screamed when I opened the package and saw them inside. It was the manliest scream of the week, and I can tell you that much.

I got a custom resin case and a custom whip phone case, both of them with Sebastian Michaelis on them. Both are really well made, with such incredible detail, and they honestly look too good to be true. And they're handmade with love and passion, I, as a person who enjoy crafting, can tell!

As soon as I got home, I thought I should take some detail pictures and show you all just how gorgeous and well made they are. Husbando all over my phone, yessss!

I have a Samsung Galaxy S5, but they make these kinds of cases for other phones as well as your NDS, iPod and mirrors. It's so cool!

I'm going to treasure these babies so much, oh my god. I can't thank DreamyCraftShop enough for making me these SUPER beautiful cases!

You can get your own from their website, and give them a follow and a like on Facebook and Instagram!

You can get 10% off your order when you buy anything from their website, but you have to be logged in AND use the code 'niisuke' at their check out.

I hope you will find something you like, just like I did!

Bye!♡ Giveaway!

I have a new giveaway for you guys~! And it's by!

Giveaway link: Blippo Giveaway

So if you have watched my Blippo Unboxing video, you have an idea of what Blippo is. If not, watch it here! There are some really cute prizes wating for the lucky one who will win a box of goodies! ^___^

Goodie list:

Pucho Candy Chewy Pink Grape Fruit

Fluffy Pastel Purse

Rainbow Cube Earrings

And everything is so cute~! I've tried the candy myself, in that video!

I don't have a lot to say except that I'm trying to write some long posts about my life and what I've been doing lately! For example the huge cosplay picnic I hosted the other day, and some upcoming events that I will be attending for lectures and panels!

I hope to see you guys soon. And thanks a lot for the lovely support and positive feedback on my transgender post. Love you!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Rest In Peace, Best Friend

I can't believe I have to write such a thing already. You weren't old. You were supposed to live at least the double of what you already have lived. I didn't get to see you more than twice during the two last years of your life. It's painful to think that I won't ever got to bury my face into your fur again, cuddle with you, or take those long walks you liked. Never hear you bark so very happily.

Some people say "it's just a dog" or "that's life". You're right about the second statement, but not the first. It's not just "a dog". It's another life, another living being that I have shared my own life with, and taken care of, loved and protected. My baby dog Hera was one of my best friends, just like her sister Freja. She was there for me when I was very bullied and had very few, if even any, good friends. They shared me up when I was sad. They kept my mind off things I shouldn't think of. And now I'm grieving the loss of one of my best friends, just like if any of my human friends died. I don't see the difference in value. A life is a life, whether it's a dog, cat, bird, human or whatever. What matter is the bond you have.
Life always ends with death, I'm aware, but that doesn't make it less painful.

Since I moved, and practically lost contact with my dad and the family because of some fighting, I didn't get to see her more than twice during the last two years. Last time I saw her was this Monday, when I went to say good bye, and make up with my dad, or whatever I should call it. Things are fine between us now, and I'm very happy that I got to say good bye to my beloved four legged friend.

She was strong, and fought, just like me. She got sick, gained weight she shouldn't gain, went blind, started to struggle with walking, and surely a lot of pain, and exhaustion. When I saw her it was like meeting a different dog. One who had no energy for anything, who couldn't see. She didn't seem happy at all, just very tired of everything. I wish I could have done something, but she was just too sick and not even the vet could help...

She's sleeping now. Dreaming, hopefully. Nice dreams. And the stars will forever sing her a lullaby. Thank you best little friend, I love you now and forever. I will miss you but treasure our memories and keep them in my heart until I go the same way as you <3

 Rest In Peace, My Little Princess Hera <3

Friday, 17 April 2015

Ciel In Wonderland Cosplay (From SpreePicky)

This review is really, really late, but I've tried to take good pictures for ages, lost some pictures and bleh, it just didn't 
turn out good. But here they finally are!

If you've watched Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, I hope you've seen the Ciel In Wonderland OVA, inspired by Alice In Wonderland. It's one of my favorite outfits for Ciel, as it's a kind of "boy-ish" version of Alice, and he looks pretty damn adorable in it. So if course I wanted to add it to my Ciel costume collection, haha...!

The costume is from SpreePicky, and down below you can find the link for it! 

Link: Ciel In Wonderland Cosplay 
[SpreePicky discount code "jackocalypse" = 10% off]

Here are some picture's where I wear it!

It fits me so well, like glove really! The stockings might be somewhat difficult sliding down sometimes though, like any stockings, but they're made of a very nice and soft material that makes them comfortable, just like the rest of the costume!

What you get:
  • 1 pair of knee socks
  • 1 apron + back bow 
  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 1 shirt/blouse
  • 1 eyepatch
  • 1 headband with bow
It's also available as Alois Trancy's pink outfit!

I really like this cosplay as to me, it's been a very good one, with strong fabric, and it's well made, and looks good, fits good. It's comfortable, and I think it's very accurate to the real deal in the anime. This costume makes me feel really cute and like I really look like Ciel.

You can get this costume in many different sizes, so make sure to check your measurements and read up on their website about sizes. There are loads of other costumes to find too, both at SpreePicky's website, and their cosplay website Cospicky!

(I got my wig from UNIQSO, and click HERE to find it! The code "niisuke" gives you 10% off your purchase!)

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I'll try to reply as fast as I can!

But that was it for now. I can't wait to have a real photoshoot in this costume, and make some beautiful edits in Alice in Wonderland theme! ^___^

Thanks for reading!

GUIDE: What to not say to a transgender person

    Okay, so I have a lesson for you today. Many of you might not like it, but it's actually for the sake of respect, and other people's well being. As you know, I identify as a transgender boy. I struggle with things like this daily, so I wanted to write about it, in order to teach you who want to know how to treat other transgender people. 

    I can't speak for all transgender people out there, everyone's different, and may be okay with some things other aren't okay with, etc. So keep that in mind. 

     DO NOT
    • Use the term "real girl/boy". A transgender person is not imaginary. You should instead use the word 'biological girl/boy', IF it's necessary. It rarely is. Only for like, medical reasons and so on. Like, how often is it really necessary to speak about genitalias of a person, or what's inside of them?
    • Ask them "what's your real name?". That's just bitchy. If they use a female/male/unisex name, and introduces themselves as such, you should not question it just because they are transgender. If they feel like telling you, they will. Names can be a sensitive subject.
    •  Try to determine what gender they are by touching their GODDAMN CHEST. Believe me, this has happened to me, and I was so close to punch that girl in the face. Just like with any other people you meet, you don't just randomly walk up to touch, or squeeze a part of their body. ABSOLUTELY NOT. That is common sense? I have no idea what some people are thinking. (Note: Just because someone has breasts/lacks breast doesn't tell you what gender they are).
    • Tell them they are going through a phase. Sure. All people are different, and in the end, not all people continue to feel the same way. Some go back to feeling like their biological gender. But many doesn't. So don't be an ass, take people seriously when they tell you about their gender identity.
    • Tell someone they're too feminine/masculine to be transgender. Another thing that pisses me off, SO MUCH. So ok. A guy can't wear makeup? Dresses, skirts, long hair? No? A girl can't have short hair, not like makeup, wear boyish clothes and like typical 'manly things'? Grow up. Learn something new. See the world as it is. The stereotypes of females and males should not decide what a man or a women is like. The worlds changing a lot, all the time. And so is the people in it.
    • Expect that you can ask whatever personal question you want, just because this is a person with a different gender identity type than you probably are used to. It's okay to be curious and want to learn but remember to show respect and be polite.
    • Mistake transgender people for transvestites. A transvestite is someone who dresses as the opposite gender. Like, a man dressing up as a female, but still identifying as a man. A transgender person is someone born in "the wrong body". A person with a female body, identifying as a male, and the other way around.
    • Try to tell them that they look "better" as their biological gender. It might seem like a compliment, but it's really not. It can bring down their confidence quite a bit actually.
    • Say things like "I thought you were a real boy/girl!" if they come out to you. Once again, you might think it's a compliment, but it's actually not. Using the word "real" is never really good for this kind of things. It's more acceptable to say that, for example, you think a trans boy look very manly, if you're talking about such a subject, like looks/being trans.
    • Randomly bring up something like "oh you look like a boy/girl today/you look very boy-ish/girl-ish!", as it's not a compliment either, at least not for most people I know. It's nothing you say to your girl or guy friends, is it? Walking up to a biological man and pat his shoulder saying, "wow you look manly today". Some people are okay with it of course, but just be sure you're aware of how 'sensitive' the transperson is, or how he/she feels about those sort of compliments.
    • Ask what's in their pants. You wouldn't do that to anyone else, so why this person? It's nobody's business except the person and their partner.
    • Tell them "to me you'll always be (birth name/biological gender)!" Stop. It's rude. It will hurt, and it's just incredibly disrespectful.
    • Go on about how hard it is to remember the "new" name/pronoun. We know. We have been told so, oh so many times. If you say the wrong name/pronoun, correct yourself, and move on. That's the best thing you can do if you're struggling. Don't be stubborn jerk and stay with the old name/pronoun because it's easier for you.
    • Ask "how are you gonna have kids?". Uh-uh. Not your problems. It's the 20th century. They're more ways than one to have a kid if you want one.
    • Don't mix trans-stuff with sexuality. Just because someone is a trans boy doesn't make them like girls. Or trans girls like guys. They can be bisexual, heterosexual (yes, you may find it confusing), pansexual, asexual homosexual, or whatever.
    • Think that someone just decides that they are transsexual. It's nothing you want to choose for yourself. It's something you just are, and it's something you can't help. It's not because of your parents, your childhood, whatever. It what you are.
    • Think that a person is transgender because of their sexuality. For example, don't ask a trans boy who prefer girls if they "want to be a boy" because they are lesbian. NO. NO. NO. Happened to me, and I was so annoyed. Firstly, how can a boy be lesbian? No. And then, transgender and sexuality if not the same thing. You don't feel like the opposite sex just because of your sexuality.
    • Say things like "back when you were a girl/boy". Okay, picky picky... but the correct sentence would be "when you identified as a girl/boy".
    • Don't question a transperson because of what public bathroom they choose to use.
    • Tell a transgender person that they are confused.
    • Try to group a transperson up with others of the same biological gender IF for example activities choose to split girls and boys up. A trans boy should not be forced to go with the girl group unless he wants to, etc.
    • Tell them "If you have a "penis/vagina" you are a boy/girl" and everything alike.
      There are actually way more than this, but I feel like I had to stop somewhere. These are amongst the most important things, and then some other things that might be good to think of.

      Then let's also remember that there are people who identity themselves as something in between man and woman, the rather 'invisible' intergender/genderfluid people, who often are forgotten.

      It's important to remember that not all people are the same, or born with the same conditions. Gender identity is very important, but also very misunderstood because of the lack of knowledge. I hope you have read this and understood how important it is to show respect.

      Thank you for reading. 

    Thursday, 16 April 2015

    Mari Kozakura Wig (For My Rapunzel Look)

    Another lovely wig from

    This wig was somewhat of a wild card for me. I have a hard time dealing with really long wigs, usually, and I tend to get tired of them immediately. Especially as they need a lot of care. But I went with this wig as it fit a kind of 'Rapunzel' like look, that I wanted to try out. Very doll-ish and cute.

    It turned out to be just perfect, nice and bright blonde, curly and full of life, really thick as well!

    I haven't watched the anime or know the character it really is for, as I have other purposes than cosplay for this wig, but I tell you, high quality, high quality!

    But just as any long (super long) or curly wig, it will tangle really easily unless you take care of it. So be careful, and make sure to look after it well. On youtube, there are many tutorials on how to take care of your wigs, so if you don't know already, I suggest you go there!

    It's 120 cm and heat resistant.

     Here are some shots of the wig, to let you see just how long and nice it is. It has a nice, rather warm blonde color, and if you want to cosplau Mari, or do some very doll-ish, I would recommend this wig for you. You can get this, or anything else from UNIQSO's website, and get 10% off your purchase, with the code "niisuke"!

    Thank you for taking your time to read my review, I hope it was helpful to you! I used this wig in a little makeup video, if you're interested to watch that as well. I hope to see you another time! Bye~!

    Wednesday, 15 April 2015

    Sylveon Phone Case From TiffyCuppyCake

    Have you seen my amazing Sylveon case? If not, you're missing something out!
    Some time ago, I received my custom phone case from TiffyCuppyCake on Etsy. She makes lovely custom cases for most phone cases, and she also makes cute plushies and charming jewelry! I'm really fond of her stuff, and she made me a beautiful, pink masterpiece featuring one of my favorite Pokémon!

    Looks at all the details and how well it's made. It's so perfect I want to hug it, eat it and store it forever, all at the same time! ;;w;;

    She's made such a great mix with all the pink and cute items, and the whip is beautifully made. Looks like a piece of tasty cake, doesn't it? I can't say enough just how much I adore this case!

    I have a big love for cases like these, and TiffyCuppyCake made me one that I will love loads, for a very long time. It makes my phone cute and protects it. I envy creative and skilled souls who can make these kinds of items. And everything is secured nicely and you can see it's made with a lot of effort and love.

    You can make your own order from their store, or just check their items out. You might find your own case to fall in love with, I certainly hope you do!


    Wednesday, 8 April 2015

    Elsa Wig (UNIQSO)

    So a while ago, I finally decided that I actually would try cosplaying as Elsa from Frozen, a character I really, really like. Both as a person, and then the character design! So I thought I should give it a shot, even though I've been super nervous about how I would look. I never thought I would be able to pull her off, but so far I'm actually quite satisfied! She's such a pretty character and I really want to make the beautiful Ice Queen justice... ;; u ;;

    UNIQSO has two different Elsa wigs, which you can find if you click HERE. The one I decided to get, with the loose braid, is for her Ice Dress design, while the other is for her Coronation design.
    I was a bit nervous, as I don't like showing off my forehead, and I was worried that the wig would look strange on me with it's style as it's not a lace front one. But happy surprise, it looks AMAZING!

    Here are more pictures!

    The wig has a nice, even bright blonde tone, which is very similar, of not pretty much exactly the same, blond tone as Elsa's hair. I didn't have to cut or style the wig at all, as it was exactly to my liking when I opened the package! 

    It was comfy and big, with adjustable straps inside of the cap, so no worries about having it fall off or anything. You can undo the braid and redo it without a problem if you feel like it, or change the hairstyle into a different one if that is what you feel like doing.

    The wig is thick and nice, and perfectly fits it's purpose. With express shipping it arrived at my apartment in less than a week, and I couldn't be happier! If you want to cosplay Elsa, or a character with similar hair, or if you just want a wig with this style - don't hesitate! This wig is so lovely!

    As always, you can get 10% off your purchase at UNIQSO with my code 'niisuke'. They have spring sales going on right now so you should definitely take a look!

    I hope this review was helpful and if you have any questions, please leave a comment down below. 

    Thanks for reading! ^___^

    Harajuku In Wonderland - Aoba Wig Review

    Harajuku In Wonderland
    This lovely shop sent me this Aoba wig to review for them! I feel so sorry and bad because it's been delayed for ages just like all my other reviews... Personal reasons and computer problems. And I had to retake the pictures because the first ones were really crappy.

    But this is one of many Aoba wigs that I've tried and so far, this is the best I've worn! It's really vivid blue, and nice and gradient, as it should be! I barely had to cut it at all, and it was so easy so style!
    It's comfy and nice to wear as well, adjustable size and all.

    Here are some pictures!~


    Here is the link for it!

    Look at how lovely and gradient it is!

    I would really reccommend this store if you're looking for anything related to cosplay! The owner has been so lovely and patient with me and I'm so thankful!

    I hope you visit their website, as their products are really good quality. The shipping was fast as well, and I only have positive things to say.

    So go and take a look, and I'll see you in my next blogpost! Chuuu <3

    Wednesday, 1 April 2015

    My New Kigurumi - Rilakkuma!

    So new new kigurimi from UNIQSO arrived a while ago, and once more, I've fallen in love! This time, I decided to add Rilakkuma to my collection of cuddly onesies of cuteness! This is a Rilakkuma kigurumi in the size MEDIUM, and it can be found at their website in many different sizes, along with other kigus!

    Just like the Totoro one that I got, this one has really soft fabric and is lovely, warm and comfy. And it looks so cute, just like Rilakkuma the bear that you see online! There's not a lot to say except that it's wellmade, really cute, comfy and perfect for anyone who looks cuddly clothes, for movie nights, sick days, or just lazy days, any time really!

    It's easy button up, and even has a zipper at the bottom, hehe! Kind of practical ;D

    Here are some more photos of it! I LOVE MY CUTE LITTLE BALL TAIL TEHE!~
    Get your own, or something else, at Uniqso's great website! Use the code "Niisuke" to get 10% off your purchase!

    See you soon! <3