Thursday 9 October 2014

Roller Coaster Life

As I have promised, I'm trying to write more personal posts here, since I mainly do that on Instagram and Facebook nowadays. It's just a lot going on really, and sometimes it feels like it's a bit too personal to be written down online and shared with just anyone. I want to be able to be open with you, and be honest, but I hope you understand that even I need to have some privacy! ; o ; 

Anyhow, things are really going up and down. Sooo many good things have happened, and so many good things are happening right now, and that sure feels really great. But then I'm a hormonal teenage monster with mood swings and somewhat unstable mind. I'm in the middle of a storm, but I've never been one to dislike wild weather. That's when everything happens!

Many different opportunities, choices and different paths to walk down. But it's all exciting, as well as it's scary! Working, studying, different projects, etc. And on top of that I'm planning on moving out pretty soon. Just waiting to get an apartment and all. It's all really big for me, but I actually feel like I'm ready.

And also, people keep asking how I can afford stuff, going to places and so on. I just want to make clear that first of all, I'm VERY careful with the money I have. I mostly go for the cheap stuff, and try not to buy thigns if I don't really need them. I always put away money every month. I make stuff that I sell, and that way I earn money. I work for 6 hours every Sunday, and at the end of the month I get my money for that. On top of it all, I'm very lucky to have a youtube partnership, that helps me to earn money, even if it's not loads. 

And lastly, yes, I'm very fortunate to have been chosen by many companies, to work as a model, an affiliate and so on, and I do get sponsored by many companies,w which means I don't pay for the things they send me. This is not unfair in any way, as this is a kind of job, and I have worked, REALLY hard to get where I am. I've been honest from the very beginning, and I will stay this way. I'm grateful for every sweet comment, for every nice word, and for all the care and love my followers give me. As well as my friends and family of course. And I'm just tired of seeing people trying to push me down in the mud just because I have stuff they don't have. I've been in that position too. Envy is something normal among people. And who haven't ever envied another person?

Well, lastly, I'm actually doing alright in school. I get the grades I work for, and wish for, and I'm not messing things up. I've actually gotten som A:s again, and it feels really good to be back on track!

I'll be buying a new video camera for vlogs and such outside of my house, for like, trips and so on, since my usual camera isn't really made for being used as a video camera. And I've found a really nice one that I will be buying, hopefully at the end of the month, before I go to Sebastian to spend Halloween with him. He went home two days ago and I already miss him terrible much. But we'll see each other in just another two weeks or something.

I will be preparing some halloween posts and review for the upcoming weeks and try to upload some vlogs from the Lady Gaga Concert and Eat your kimchi fan meet!

1 comment:

  1. I liked reading this post and I think this wasn't like too personal. It's good thing, because too personal posts are awkward to read and everyone needs their privacy ;) Hugs from Finland ^o^ !
