Tuesday 11 February 2014

Todays mood: EXCITED! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Wosh wosh wosh! Things are going good! I'm a little sick at the moment, and somewhat stressed, but I'm happy! ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ 

I'm starting to work a little by a little moer in school now. I'm in the second year in high school now, but I have decided that I will redo this year next year, with the courses I skip this year, instead of starting my senior year. I will have more time to fix things up and get the grades I know I can get. My life has just been far too messy to be able to catch up with everything. So I'm happy about it! I'll be taking math, P.E, science and social studies. Hopefully even Japanese! 

Besides I have so much stuff to look forward to. I have about 6 or 7 cons that I'm planning to go to this year, here in Sweden. In only 9 days I'll be attending Närcon Winter in Linköping with my boyfriend and friends. I'm trying to finish my Judal wig for the con. It's so loooong and weird, but I love the character and the character design, so it will be fun having to deal with a long wig again, since all characters I cosplay have short hair, except Grell Sutcliff. And soon Aoba, but his hair isn't all that long. I'm really looking forward to cosplay again, even if it was just a month ago since the last con. I miss seeing my friends, and the cons cheer me up so much! ; n ; 

Also, I'm looking forward to meet new people and have awesome pictures taken and create new memories. 

Today... I'm actually a bit nervous though. Since my mom will be coming to me temporary foster home to see how I'm living and so on. I just feel bothered... because our relationship is so shaky right now. And I know I will feel kind of bad because how she behaves, and how she treats me. She's nice... but she can't see me for who I am. It's tough. She treats me like a kid and as if I'm someone else. Sure, I'm still a kid. But I'm 17, almost 18. Not 10. But she seems to think that. And it makes me feel stupid and all. But I have my foster family's support, and they're the best. 

Oh well, I better go study some history now... World war 1 and revolution stuff! >w<

1 comment:

  1. Åååh jag ser fram emot att få krama på dig på ncv~ Och försök att inte oroa dig allt för mycket över din mammas besök, det kommer nog gå bra ska du se! /Kylequius
