Wednesday 12 February 2014

Female, male, WHATEVER?!

Sooo... have I have had these quite annoying thoughts lately. Something has been bugging more for quite a while. As many people now, I'm quite feminine. I was born with very androgynous features, and I can even look quite a bit like a girl. But I'm a boy. I choose to bring out my neutral sides, and feminine looks, by using makeup, kind of cute clothing styles and so on, at times. But just because I'm not a tall, super manly guy, people keep telling me that I'm weird for being the way I am. And it pisses me off. SO MUCH. It's like, if you are a guy and use makeup, you're gay. Wrong. Or if you're a girl and like to dress like a boy, you're a lesbian. WRONG. There's so many stereotypes, and people are so judgmental at times. I want to dress and look the way I want without getting judged. I suppose everyone wants that.. But it honestly seems impossible. I guess it will always be like that. Even though it has gotten better and better over the years. Mostly I don't care what people think, but sometimes it's so goddamn annoying. Genders doesn't matter, we're still humans, still people. We just have some different physical abilities, and we have developed different kinds of minds. But that doesn't mean we can't look like we want. That something has to be for women, like makeup, skirts, dresses and stuff alike. And typical mens' clothes shouldn't be just for men. But it has always been that way, and maybe it always will be? I don't know. No one knows.

Gosh, the world would maybe have been a little simpler if there hadn't been such things as men and women. If we were just people, with both genders at the same time. Maybe there had been some equality? Maybe not. Because we humans are so very very complicated creatures. Anyhow, this was just a small rant I had to have. It just annoys me at times even though I have gotten used to it. There's nothing wrong with being a woman, at all. I adore women. But knowing that I'm 100% male makes me feel weird when people start pointing me out as a girl. But I do understand that people are confused at times. That, on the other hand doesn't make me mad though.

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