Saturday 5 March 2016

"In The Name Of The Moon, I Will Punish You!" (SpreePicky Sailor Moon Cosplay Review)

Hi you guys! Today I'm gonna show you the final product of my complete Sailor Moon cosplay! All the items I'm wearing is from SpreePicky and UNIQSO!



My friend Malin took these full body pictures of me wearing all of it today! The costume is a size S and were great for me who's kind of short and tiny sized. The boots are custom made, and fit my perfectly. That's kinda new since I always have difficulties with shoe sizes. 

I'm gonna show you some details too! I think this is a very well-made costume, and I found that it was surprisingly comfortable and easy to wear as well, without any issues to keep it in place or anything. The skirt is rather short (to be accurate), but you can wear short shorts underneath, and it has a layer of tulle underneath to give it some stabilization. It looks so good and cool!

Every little detail makes this costume perfect!

When you purchase the costume from SpreePicky, you really get all you need (except for the prop, wig, lenses and shoes, you have to purchase that separately)! 

1. A dress
2. A front bow with brooch attached 
3. A back bow
4. A tiara 
5. A pair of earrings
6. One pair of hair clips
7. One choker

With the discount code "jackocalypse" you can get 10% off your entire purchase if you shop for 30$ or more. Also, if you want to get your lenses or something from UNIQSO, you can use the code "niisuke" to get 10% off your purchase there too. 

I got my SpreePicky items within 14 weeks after the order was shipped, and it safely arrived all together with my entire order. 

I can't wait to have more photoshoots with this cosplay, especially with all my friends and Sebastian as the other characters from Sailor Moon, so we can have fun together!

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment box down below.

Thank you for reading!


  1. HNNNG stop being so perfect Jack. ;///; ♥
    How can you be so cute in anything you wear? *O* I feel like an ugly troll in comparison, lol...

    Thank you for this review and all the good quality photos! I always appreciate it when people review cosplay stores etc because it keeps our geeky community safe and informed!

    ☆ Shiro Samurai's Cosplay & Circle Lens Blog ☆
    ☆ Facebook Cosplay Page ☆
    ☆ Ink & Sword Lifestyle Blog ☆

  2. You look comfortable, and it looks like it moves well.
    I'm glad the boots fit well too! Custom things can be hit or miss.
    This looks like a really well made costume. I'm impressed.
