Monday 23 November 2015

My Luna Lovegood Wand

I got this in the mail today, and honestly, it brightened my day so so much!

I recently ordered Luna Lovegood's wand from Aliexpress, just to try it out. It was only a few dollars, so yes, it's obviously a quite cheap copy, but hey, I don't have all the money in the world and I really want to finish my cosplay...!

It came in a kinda cool box! Not the old-looking more accurate wand box, but a kinda cool and actually steady one with pictures from the movies on it. And the inside looked really nice!

So here it is! My new beloved, precious piece of magic, hehe! For such a low price, I think the looks of it and the quality, well the whole feel of it, was AMAZING. It feels firm, and looks nice. Sure, there are a couple of small flaws in the paintjob etc, but hey I paid like, 7-8$ for it. It's such a good thing for that little money. 

It's Luna's second wand, the one she got from Ollivander after her first one was confiscated by Death Eaters!

 Luna Lovegood Wand

I really like the color of the wood, and the feel of it in my hand. I think it's gonna go great with my cosplay, and I honestly can't wait to collect more wands, like Lupin's, Harry's, Hermione's, Ron's and Voldemort's!

Do you guys like Harry Potter? Do you own any wands or props like this? You know any good stores that sell it? Write me a comment and tell me if you feel like it!

Thank you for reading~!


  1. I always found the Harry Potter world fascinating but I sadly never really got into it properly, even though I tried and wanted to. :/ I liked the early movies a lot as a kid (the two-three first ones, then it got scary and unsettling with Voldemort and those creepy ghost-like things) but then, somehow, my interest started dwindling. I still enjoy Harry Potter of course and I wonder if I could get into it again. I have some friends who are big fans of it.
    I want to mention that I've only seen the movies so yeah.. I know that I should really read the books too; everyone says they're better and have a lot more to them. I like the whole system with the different houses and all the magical creatures, mystery etc.

    Oh, and the wand looks cool! Magic was always a thing that fascinated me, hehe ~

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  2. Wow that's seriously so cool! I didn't know these wands are so inexpensive but still look they are in a pretty decent quality, I love it c: When I was a kid I didn't like Harry Potter, but the darker it got, the more I got to like it ... and when the last two films came out, I was completely in love xD And now I just hail the books and the movies :D

    Have a beautiful day! ♥
