Wednesday 11 November 2015

Enjoy The Little Things!

For the first time in like 2-3 weeks, I've been to school! In time, spending the full day, and actually making it! And it feels alright, actually! :D I'm super happy!

Even though the students at my school acts like toddlers, running around, screaming, throwing things, simply acting immature and not like they deserve the education they get basically "for free", I feel like it's better to start trying again. I love school and learning, and even though I'm tired, and I don't want to give up. I'm still looking for a job though. I really need it. I'll find a way to match my high school studies with a good job.

Yesterday, I dropped Sebastian off at the train station so he could go back home again. Now we'll have to wait until around Christmas or hopefully a bit earlier, to see each other again. Then I'll go and visit him and celebrate Christmas  with him and his family.

It's lonely when he leaves, and it's quiet and weird. Sure, you have to be used to be alone, but when you have tried to move together for like 1,5 years or so, it's getting tired to live 100 miles apart. We have been offered some apartments, but in the end we weren't allowed to rent them because of our economic situation. 

But let's not be sad! Enjoying the little things is very important, especially in times when things feel rough! I'm trying to work on some writing that I have been thinking about for a while now, and prepare scripts, video preparations. Fashion things, event planning for next years trips and happenings, photoshoots. To do things I love it's what keeps me going!

Also I got the cutest tea infuser from eBay just because I have some nice new tea at home, and I needed one to be able to drink it. Shark baby! Stuff like that makes me smile and raises the mood, as simple as that.

I'm a little worried about Alfons though, as it turns out he's sick, heart problems and stuff. He's like our big fluffy baby and I can't stand the thought of losing him ; - ; Of course it's a part of life but... it's always hard. We want him to stay with us for as long as possible, because he's our little child... At the age of 12 he still acts like a young playful little kitty at times. My pretty baby who always looks after us when we're feeling down <3

As it's so dark during autumn/winter in Sweden, I've decided to get some softbox lighting  to improve the lighting in my videos and to be able to work at more times than just during the day when the lighting outside is the best. During rainy and dull days I can't really film at all, so I think it's time. So hopefully video making will be better and easier now!

Try to think positive and enjoy the things you can! Be with friends and family if that makes you happy. Cuddle your pet if you have one. Go out at least once a week, if not for some eye shopping, shopping, movies or food, then maybe just a nice long walk to rinse your mind.

Take an extra hour or two to play your favorite game or watch a movie! Treat yourself! It's needed! ^__^


  1. OMGGGGGGGGGG I love that shark tea infuser!!
    As a kid I was crazy about sea animals and I still have a soft spot for 'em – but that shark is seriously too (j)awesome! XD

    Sad to hear about the cat. :( Makes me remember how much I miss our white fluffball dog Lady... ;n; When mom moved away from her ex years ago the dog got left with him since we couldn't take her with us to our apartment at the time. I don't even know if Lady is alive and I think about her often... ;_; That ex-guy was a dick and put to sleep some perfectly healthy dogs earlier too, because he couldn't be bothered to care for them, seemingly. *sob*
    I really want to have a dog again as soon as I can afford it and have a fitting apartment. In my current one we're not allowed to have pets... ugh. I really want to have a samoyed dog again!! ♥

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  2. Thank you for this, I needed it... (^-^). Also I'm so sorry to hear about Alfons (T-T). I really hope he's okay! -Ashton. :3

  3. You amazing human being <3 (or better, magical human being <3)
    You're pretty strong so I really hope you can overcome the hardest things you're going through by now and enjoy a huge amount of little things with your cute smiles and looks and, even on the dark days, that you keep being that sparkle who make me/us smile too. A gentle and lasting life for Alfons ;~; and a big hug for you, Jack! Good luck on your new achievements and sure, that shark in unbearably nice *O*
    Keep sparkling!
    FIGHTO~~! <3
