Monday 23 November 2015

A Great Day At Mall Of Scandinavia!

Right! Last weekend I was really tired of the boring weather and the stress, so my friends Wesker and Kalle very kindly "kidnapped" me for a trip to the new huge mall that recently opened up here rather close to where I live. It's called Mall Of Scandinavia and it's kind of a big deal over here! The opening day was so chaotic and I was glad I didn't go until now... 

For that day, I wanted to dress up and I ended up looking like a Gryffindor version of Victoire Weasley! 

We had so much fun, first struggling trying to find a suitable parking lot since it was so full everywhere, and then trying to make it through the crowds to find a sushi restaurant to eat at...! These guys really spoiled me so much... with food, gifts and lots of great company and many laughs! ; u ; 

It was all so nice, and fun to know that I have such a big place available only minutes away from my apartment! Also I got a job interview at their Lush store for this upcoming Friday, which will be so so exciting!

I'm always so happy around my friends and they really lighten up everything that seems so dark and awful. I'm happy I have such friends. 

Next time, hopefully, I will remember to bring my camera so I can vlog about it!

We ended that long exciting day with pizza and watching a movie while cuddling my cats, and that was just a perfect ending for that day. We have to redo it soon! I'm so spoiled by my friendos ; u ; 

1 comment:

  1. Woaah that sushi looks delicious! *_* I'd love a bit of that, haha!
    You seem to have such awesome friends too. I wish I had friends like that...

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