Tuesday 5 August 2014

I'm in MALMÖ! ♡

Yes guys, hi again! 

So yesterday I spent 6 hours on a train, with a back that hurts like HELL, but I finally got to go to Malmö! I have been waiting for months to visit my darling Charlotte and Therese, since we only meet at conventions and so on, so now I'll be staying in Malmö with them for 5 days, before I go to Gothenburg during Saturday to visit Liseberg with my foster family. I'm so excited!

So far, I have spent one day with my darlings, who are cartoonists, creating their own comic Wicked Hero (which I love). We went shopping nice food, I had a low blood pressure/blood sugar drop and fainted due to my back pains at the foodstore, we went home and ate food, and watched 3 scary movies during the night before I passed out at like, 3-4 am, while they kept working on their comic. It's nice and cozy, and I have missed them loads! We've made so much plans, and they inspire to me to do all the writing I want to do again. Start on stories, books, novels, and what not. Keep on going with my and Trici's book project. 

It kind of feels like I'm getting vacation? I have been working for so many cons lately, and reviews, and writing stuff, and yeah, just a lot. And even though I've had summer break, it has felt a bit stressful at times. Right now I'm just trying to relax and enjoying being in a new city with two of my best friends!

If I'm out in town in Malmö and you see me, please don't hesitate to say hi! I hear waaay to often how all of you cuties say "I saw you but I didn't dare to say hi". I'm not dangerous, I'm actually quite nice ahaha! But if you're shy, it's ok. Just know that I love saying hi to you all. ^__^

Well, I'm going back to bed to watch the last episode of Kamigami no Asobi, and treat my back somewhat with a hot wheatpillow. I have a really cosy bed to sleep in hear, so I'm happy.

Bye for now darlings~

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