Wednesday 3 June 2015

Delayed Package? OUTFITS!

This is a super delayed post! I got this package last week, and I was so confused when it was delivered as I knew I wasn't expecting anything really. It turned out to be a last package from JANUARY!

Clothes from Sheinside.

So here! A dark, cute and cocky outfit!

Dressing all in dark colors is a typical "tough" thing, isn't it? Add some colors to it, and it will look really cool! I like how I'm wearing all pitch black jeans, and a black sweatshirt, then having this colorful print and split dyed wig. It gives me a kind of "rock" feeling for some reason?

The sweatshirt is super comfy and just my size, I like it so much! It goes so well with the wig, and the whole outfit feels really clean, and pretty simple. I will go with this kind of look again, for sure!

Well, since this package was lost for a couple of months, it's a bit late for this piece of clothing... BUT, when winter comes, I will be ready, and I will be super cute and fluffy with my new pink jacket!

It's not a super thick jacket, but that kind of jacket you can wear with a lot of layers underneath, which I prefer. Swedish weather is strange, so sometimes it's super cold, and then in the next moment you find yourself sweating. I will treasure this jacket for sure! It has the perfect light pink color and the hood is super poofy-floofy!

I would say this is my favorite winter jacket of all time, to be honest. Gaaaaah, why is it summer now when I finally got it?! I want to use it! //goes on vacation to somewhere cold

I hope you liked this little post, and I hope to see you here next time!

Bye bye ^___^