Tuesday 23 June 2015

Changed Plans And A Aching Back (And Outfit Pictures)

So today I got up quite early for being me on summer break. 9-ish, I started working with some editing and picking out what to wear for the day if I decided to go out, as some things were supposed to happen. There was a chance that my extra mom Cilla and extra brother Simon were going to Stockholm, and there was a chance my friend Wesker was coming to Stockholm as well, since there was a Närcon Meetup in a park in town. I knew I had to go and pay my optician for lenses and try to visit the library to see if I could get some papers printed. I just didn't know how many of these things I would do, So I didn't know if it would be worth the effort to dress up. I was feeling kind of crappy anyways, so I thought, maybe it's not worth it?

In the end I picked out clothes and makeup to dress up anyway, feeling bored with my looks and wanting to try out the new things I got the other day!

Here are some pictures ^__^

I struggled with makeup for about an hour... Trying different styles and techniques. I wasn't 100% happy when it was time to finish but it was definitely better than nothing! I want to practice more, but I got to try out my new lashes from Spreepicky at least :)

I ended up seeing Cilla and Simon, but no one else as I didn't go to the meetup because of my aching back, but we did visit some fun shops and had some time together to have a snack and rest at my place. I really enjoy days like these, and I got things done. Paying my optician, seeing people I like, writing some character sheets, editing a video and lots of  pictures... well yeah! Now I'm treating myself some dumplings and something warm for my back to make it hurt less.

I hope you all had a great day! 
Goodnight cuties!

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